
This page provides insights on all appointments list, filter with status.


The section equips admins with the tools to efficiently organize, monitor, and handle patient appointments.

  1. The Appointment Management section equips admins with the tools to efficiently organize, monitor, and handle patient appointments.

  2. This includes overseeing appointment details, approving appointments, joining video calls, rescheduling, and cancelling appointments as necessary.

Appointment List

View the list of appointments displayed, encompassing patient names, referral provider names, referring dates, appointment type, appointment statuses, service provider names and Actions.

Detail of listing

  1. Patient Name

  2. Appointment Type: It shows whether the patient has booked the appointment Online or in person.

  3. Appointment Status: There are four types of status

    1. Pending: If the patient/admin can book the appointment then records will be maintained under pending status.

    2. Upcoming: Admin/consulting providers after approval of appointment the records of the appointment will be maintained under upcoming status.

    3. Completed: If the consulting provider completes the appointment successfully. Then the records will be maintained in completed status.

    4. Cancelled: If the consulting provider/admin can cancel the appointment, records of the appointment will be maintained in cancelled status.

  4. Action: There are 4 types of action

    1. View: Here you can see the details of the appointment

    2. Approve: If the status is pending. Then the approve icon is visible to the admin, from here admin can approve the appointment on behalf of the consulting provider.

    3. Cancel: Cancelling an appointment prompts a pop-up screen where admins can provide a reason for cancellation before submitting the form.

    4. Join Video Call: After the approval of the appointment, the admin can also join the video call

    5. Reschedule: The admin can also reschedule the appointment.

Add Appointment

To add a new appointment, adhere to these steps:

  1. Select Patient: Choose the patient from the patient list.

  2. Choose Specialization: Determine the specialization required by the patient.

  3. Select Service Provider: Choose the appropriate service provider for the appointment.

  4. Service Provider Availability: Select the availability of the service provider.

  5. Medical History: Document the medical history of the patient.

  6. Payment: In this step admin will find the details of the appointment payment.

    Here admin can make the payment through the wallet of the patient. If the patient does not have the money, the admin will add the money to their wallet and book the appointment of the patient. Admin will have the option of Cash, UPI, and Netbanking.

Admins can efficiently schedule appointments by following this step-by-step process, ensuring accurate recording of all essential information.

Filter and Search functionality

  1. Utilize the search bar to efficiently find appointments by patient name, referred provider name, or appointment status.

  2. Employ filtering options to sort appointments based on their status (all, completed, pending, upcoming, cancelled).

  3. Exporting appointment data facilitates comprehensive analysis and management of referrals beyond the system if necessary.

Last updated


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