
When patients access the e-form section, they see a list of forms assigned to them or their family members.

1. Viewing E-form

  • Name: Displays the name of the e-form, typically indicating its purpose.

  • Assigned Date: Shows when the e-form was assigned to the patient.

  • Due Date: Indicates the deadline by which the patient must complete the form.

  • Assignees: Lists individuals responsible for verifying form completion.

  • Status:

    1. Pending: Form has not been completed yet.

    2. In-Progress: Patient is currently working on the form.

    3. Completed: Patient has finished filling out the form.

  • Actions:

    1. View Questions: Allows patients to see the questions included in the form.

    2. Write Answers: Permits patients to provide answers to the questions.

    3. Write Answer Icon (Conditional):

      • Disabled if the form is pending and the due date has passed.

      • Enabled if the form is in progress or completed.

2. Status Management

  • Pending Status

    If the due date is exceeded, the write answer icon becomes inactive.

  • In Progress Status

    Answers are not saved until the patient completes the form.

    If answers are not saved, the status remains in progress.

  • Completed Status

    Patients can freely write their answers upon completion.

3. Search and filter functionality

  • Patients can search for specific e-forms by name.

  • Filters allow patients to sort forms by due date and status.

Last updated